Novolac display
Brand Novolac
Category FMCG
"NOVA-LAC" is Latin for “new milk”
Novalac is a baby nutrition brand that provides a wide range of infant formulas to manage each baby’s needs and improve their quality of life. Novalac formulas are marketed in over 60 countries, Novalac goal is to continue developing ever-improving innovative solutions for babies who need a formula with a healthcare dimension. The production of Novalac milk is carefully controlled and ensures the exceptional quality that the baby deserves.
Existing Novalac product communication & display experience in supermarket and pharmacy needed to be more engaging and drive stronger shopper attention. Novolac needed to create an interactive and enjoyable shopping experience for mothers at primary shelf and at secondary displays.
The Carbonystudios team retained to offer a creative and interactive solution to address Novalac Genio in-store experience barriers. We came up with an idea to make the display relevant to target shoppers. “Mothers “created displays that are connected with small baby weight management & growth rate stations, where mothers can measure kids’ weight & height, examine their growth rate, and get advice if their kids need nutritional support.